Why Should You Buy Cool Air Hair Dryer Online?

Getting the look of salon blowout is not easy. Trying all types of brushes and advanced hair dryer doesn’t help? We advise you to Buy Cool Air Hair Dryer Online. A cool air hair dryer blow dries the air at low temperature and reduces damage. There are some important things to consider while blow drying your hair. Let’s discuss them here.

Not holding blow dryer properly

Holding the blow dryer at the right angle decides how good the blow out is. Though many tend to hold the dryer at a single position for a long time to dry the hair quickly, it is not advisable. The dryer should be moving constantly. The brush of the blow dryer should be vertical while the blow dryer itself should be horizontal.

Buy Cool Air Hair Dryer Online

Keeping the right hair dryer setting

Each hair texture requires different levels of heat adjustment in a blow dryer. For thick hair, high heat setting is fine to eliminate excess moisture. The thin hair should be blow dried with low heat setting to reduce damage. If the hair is only damp and not wet, it is better to keep the heat setting to low. Some advanced hair dryer comes with “cool shot” setting which gives a long lasting look to the hair with shine finish. The cool shot setting can be used when the hair is 80% dry. The setting cools the hair and locks the look on the hair.

Using heat protectant product

Heat protectant products like protectant lotions, serums, and sprays safeguard the hair while styling. It is recommended to use the strengthening treatment to escape damage.

Using the right hair brush

It is not advisable to use metal brushes while blow drying. The metal will make the hair hot too fast and harm its roots. Round brush with nylon and boar bristles ensure a soft and bouncy hair.

We as the leading beauty destination, enable you to buy cool air hair dryer online at the best price.


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